- Have you ever think of the other races in this country standard are lower than your race?
- Have you ever think of the other races in this country are not as smart as your race?
- Have you ever think of the other races in this country are not as harworking as your race?
- Have you ever think of the other races in this country are getting more from government compare to your race?
Malaysia is a multiracial country, until today, racist is still a problem. Many so call "expert" said that people vote against racist issues in this General Election, and racial will no longer be an issue in Malaysia.
Hindraf --- They vote against BN because they were not being treating well by the government and they are forming by a large group of Indian.
UMNO --- MCA has been under attack by DAP heavily in this General Election by saying that UMNO is controlling MCA. DAP has successfully create a fear factor among chinese towards UMNO and eventually vote against BN.
BN Campaign --- No matter it is on tv, newspaper or radio, BN was using racial issue to attract voters.
PKR ---They always say that they will fight for All Malaysian... Are they going to discontinue the NEP (NewEconomic Policy) and let all Malaysian share the prosperity in Malaysia? They have their new economic plan, but they wont want to lose out Malays support and the plan will still dominate by Malays.
Advance countries like USA, British, France, Japan and even Singapore, racial is still an issue and problem which they are trying to solve. And you can see, by the time you and me died, Malaysian will still haunted by those racial issues.
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