Monday, March 31, 2008



词源是拿破仑手下的一名士兵尼古拉·沙文(Nicolas Chauvin),他由于获得军功章对拿破仑感恩戴德,对拿破仑以军事力量征服其他民族的政策狂热崇拜。而“沙文主义”这个名词則首先出现在法国的一部戏剧“三色帽徽”中,以讽刺的口吻描写沙文的这种情绪。後来这个词被广泛应用,如大国沙文主义民族沙文主义等,還曾被女权运动的领袖用於“男性沙文主义”(相当于汉语中的“大男人主义”)。英語中有一個對等的詞,是Jingoism。所以經過演变,如今“沙文主義”這個詞在英語中更多場合中指種族歧視性別歧視,尤其是後者。


Chauvinism is extreme and unreasoning partisanship on behalf of a group to which one belongs, especially when the partisanship includes malice and hatred towards a rival group. Jingoism is a similar term of British derivation. A frequent[1] contemporary use of the term in English is male chauvinism, which refers to the belief that males are superior to females. A less common term female chauvinism could mean the opposite of male chauvinism, the belief that females are superior to males, or it could refer to females who replicate male chauvinism and sexist stereotypes, as seen in Ariel Levy's book, Female Chauvinist Pigs.

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