Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wong Mew Choo does Malaysia proud

Its been 42 years since a Malaysian woman last won a major badminton title for the country. This little blip in history changed last night when Wong Mew Choo against all odds beat some of the world's best players to clinch the 2007 China Open womens title.

Do you know that she is the girlfriend of Lee Chong Wei (malaysia Top Badmminton Player)?
Is it because of the power of LOVE?

Anyway, Thanks, Mew Choo. keep up the good job!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007


At first, it was BERSIH.
Now, it is HINDRAF.
What's next?
i am expecting more to come,
and i am ready to go!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hindus to hold protest rally on Sunday

Dozens of roadblocks set up by police as a security measure ahead of a rally organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) caused massive traffic jams at various road and expressways in the Klang Valley today.

Among the roads affected were Jalan Ampang, Jalan Duta, the Federal Highway, Grand Saga Highway and several areas in Puchong.
Dear Polis Diraja Malaysia : please lah, block block block, orang nak cari makan punya, kau ni duduk tepi jalan dan ganggu orang saja.

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