Thursday, April 19, 2007

Coffee Maniac!!!! NESPRESSO

This is probably the most sophisticated coffee maker in Malaysia and you will not find it easily in the market because this machine cost about RM17,000 for the machine. This machine is very famous in Europe and it is under Nestle. It can make coffee just like what you have in Coffee Bean's or Starbucks.

This is the special coffee's pack look's like. It's look like a tablet and the coffee is inside the capsule. all you need to do is put the capsule into the machine and it will brew itself. then what....enjoy lah!!!! However, it cost RM1.80 each. It comes with a wooden box...very nice design.

This is for Home User....much more affordable...RM2,000++.

1 comment:

Pat said...

ANy idea where to buy a home machine in Malaysia? I saw it in London and the cheapest manual machine cost only 99 pounds

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